Catherine Muss

April 8, 2019

Give That Guy A Chance! – Date For Success

Give That Guy A Chance! – Date For Success   So this guy asks you out – and I call him a guy because you don’t […]
January 17, 2017

Dating Tips to Make This the Year of Romance

Dating Tips to Make This the Year of Romance Are you tired of wasting time on Mr. Wrong? Are you done with entertaining Mr. For Now? […]
January 2, 2017

How To Feel Less Insecure In Your Love Life

How To Feel Less Insecure In Your Love Life Security. Don’t we all want that? It’s a quest that drives us nuts, isn’t it? We’re constantly […]
December 26, 2016

Getting through the holidays with a new guy you aren’t sure you want to keep

Getting through the holidays with a new guy you aren’t sure you want to keep   The dating game can get dicey during holidays. Doesn’t matter […]
December 14, 2016

Dating After Divorce: Sex

Dating After Divorce: Sex   When I speak with divorced women who are ready to get back into dating the topic of sex almost always comes […]